Thursday, November 30, 2017

My First Miracle Fruit Plant

A friend of mine introduced me to a plant known as miracle fruit. It interest me as it is suppose to bring benefits to those trying to avoid diabetes. The next thing to do was to search in Google. Yes, there are a lot of sites.

accessed on 1 dec 2017
That means, it is s well known plant. I am trying to propagate it, probably by seedlings.

Here is my plants, a respectable height, about a meter high...

Bought 28 Nov 2017.. 
I am waiting for its first bud..

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Durian monthong

This variety is imported from Thailand. It is popular in Malaysia, as it starts to fruit early.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Malaysian Mango

The is mango tree at the place where I work. It has been producing fruit all year round. The fruit is small, taste ok,

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Friday, November 3, 2017


I read in the paper about a kind of melon being grown in Terrenganu, in Malaysia.

Here are the photo of the paper posting.

The Star Friday 3 Nov 2017

Compared to the rock melon, it has the following advantages:
- easier to pollinate - rock melon requires a  manual pollination, whereas the sweet melon uses natural pollination.

- No need to wrap the fruit like rock melon.

- Can be planted 3 sessions per year.

- Attract a higher price. rm4 to rm 6 per kg.